Quick start

Here is an example. This code should go to views.py:

import django_spreadsheet

from .models import Book

class BooksWorksheet(django_spreadsheet.Worksheet):
    model = Book
    name = "Books"
    columns = [
            "heading": "Author",
            "value": "author.name",
            "heading": "Title",
            "value": lambda book: book.title.capitalize(),

class DownloadBooksWorkbookView(django_spreadsheet.WorkbookView):
    filename = "books.xlsx"
    worksheets = [

The DownloadBooksWorkbookView (which you must hook to urls.py) returns a response with a books.xlsx file for download. That file is a workbook containing a single worksheet, BooksWorksheet. Its title is “Books” and it has two columns, “Author” and “Title”. For each book, the “Author” is book.author.name and the title is book.title.capitalize().